Plumbing pipes are an essential part of your home. You use them every day, yet it’s not often that you give the pipes that run through and under your home much thought at all. That is, until one breaks. A broken water pipe can not only cause damage to your home and property, but it can also be costly to repair. But did you know there are many reasons pipes break, and there are often signs of issues before they do? Below, we’re sharing the top 7 causes for broken pipes in your home and how you can prevent them.

1. Freezing

Cold temperature is one of the top reasons pipes break. When the thermostat dips below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water in pipes will start to slowly freeze. As water freezes, it expands, and that pressure inside the pipe causes it to burst. When Jack Frost is nipping at your nose (and pipes), consider insulating your pipes and keeping your house warm. Letting water trickle from the taps in your home to keep the water moving will also help you avoid freezing pipes.

2. Blocked Pipes

If you’ve had a clog building in your pipes, it could be causing unexpected pressure to build up. As we mentioned in tip number one, too much pressure will eventually cause your pipe to break. Pipes can become clogged due to oil and grease build up, hair, food, toilet paper and more. When these clogs occur, sinks and toilets back up and pipes can burst. Prevent clogged drains by being aware of what you flush down your drains and having your drains cleaned if they’re draining slowly.

3. Tree Roots

Trees and shrubbery near your home have root systems that run underground. If the soil is compacted, those roots can extend deep into the soil and apply pressure to your pipes, causing cracks and leaks. It’s important that you keep shrubs and trees away from your home’s pipes when planting new greenery. If you’re concerned about current root systems, your local plumbing specialist can run a camera through your plumbing drains and pipes to see if you have any issues.

4. Older Pipes

Sometimes the reason for a broken pipe can be as simple as its age. Through the years, erosion can occur and pipes can crack or break. Steel pipes can corrode, and the mineral buildup can cause pipes to narrow and slowly burst. To prevent this from happening, consider scheduling regular pipe maintenance to ensure there are no issues to be concerned about.

5. Ground Shifts

Shifting in the ground can damage buried pipes. Earthquakes or tremors are typical examples of such ground shifts. Also, if you live in an area that has experienced a high amount of rainfall, that water can saturate the ground, causing soil to erode or shift as well. While you can’t do anything about the weather or ground shifts, you can be sure to ensure proper drainage around your home to prevent soil movement.

6. High Water Pressure

The common theme between all of the causes we’ve mentioned above is pressure. High water pressure is a major cause of broken pipes in homes. Normal water pressure measures between 50 and 80 PSI (pounds per square inch) on a hose bib gauge. You can pick up one of these inexpensive gauges at your local hardware store and measure the water pressure in your home. Just attach it to a spigot outside and open the line. If the water pressure is too high, your local plumbing expert can install a special pressure-reducing valve to bring the water pressure down to safer levels.

7. Accidental Damage

As homeowners, we’re often fixing up our properties by remodeling or landscaping. It can be common for homeowners or their contractors to accidentally hit or break a water pipe underground or inside a wall while tackling these projects. To avoid this issue, be sure to have your underground pipes located contacting 811 “Call Before You Dig” in your area so they can properly indicate which areas in your yard to avoid.

It’s important to remember that if a broken pipe occurs in your home or on your property to take action immediately to keep damage at a minimum. If you don’t know where your main water supply shut off valve is located, it’s important you find out. That way, if you do face a burst or leak, you can turn off the water supply immediately.

Despite your best prevention efforts, remember that broken pipes can occur any time. The local plumbing experts at 1st American Plumbing can help you if you experience a burst pipe, a slow leak, or a clogged drain. Reach us at 801-477-5818 or by contacting us on our website at Not only are we experts with plumbing issues, but we can also can help you with any water damage that may have occurred when your pipe broke. We’ll get your plumbing repaired and your home cleaned up in no time.