Summer is for sunny days, outdoor adventures, and making memories with friends and family. But it can also bring its own set of unique plumbing challenges. At 1st American Plumbing, Heating & Air, we understand the importance of a smooth operating plumbing system. Below, we review seven common summer plumbing problems and provide you with expert solutions on how to solve them, so your summer remains relaxing and stress-free.

Dripping Faucets

A dripping faucet can be much more than a small annoyance, so it’s important that you do not ignore the dripping. A leaky faucet means wasted water and an increase in your utility bill. In the summertime, outdoor faucets are used often, and indoor faucets can see extra activity because of out-of-town visitors. A dripping faucet is typically caused by a worn-out washer, a malfunctioning valve, or increased water pressure.

Solution: Our expert plumbers are available to inspect and repair the root cause of your dripping faucet. Acting quickly conserves water, and it also prevents potential damage to your fixtures, which makes them last longer.

Clogged Garbage Disposal

In the summer, people are busy with outdoor gatherings and barbecues, which means there’s more activity in the kitchen. Although garbage disposals are convenient appliances, they can experience issues when they are overused by flushing extra food scraps down them, particularly items full of fiber or starch, such as corn husks and potato peels.

Solution: Reevaluating your disposal habits can go a long way. Consider throwing food remains in the trash. Run cold water while operating the disposal and avoid overloading it with large quantities of food. If a stubborn clog does occur, our trustworthy plumbers are here to help.

Sewer Line Backups

Heavy summer rains can cause an overflow of your sewer system, potentially leading to backups. Also, if you have large trees in your yard, tree roots searching for moisture can cause large blockages in sewer lines.

Solution: Regular sewer line inspections are an effective way to get an up-close look at your sewer line. Finding potential issues early can save you from major repair costs and inconvenience. In case of a backup, our team can help with techniques to clear the blockage and help your plumbing system run well again.

Sump Pump Maintenance

Utah is known for its summer thunderstorms and occasional downpours during the hot summer months. When these storms roll through, your basement might be at risk of flooding. Sump pumps are your first line of defense against water accumulation. If your sump pump system isn’t properly maintained, it might fail right when you need it most.

Solution: Our dependable plumbers specialize in sump pump inspection and maintenance. Call us and we’ll make sure that your sump pump is in optimal working condition before the thunder-boomers begin. Don’t let summer storms catch you off guard – let 1st American Plumbing, Heating & Air ensure your basement stays dry and secure.

Water Heater Problems

While water heater issues are often associated with colder months, the summer season can also have water heaters experiencing their own set of problems. Fluctuating water temperatures or a poor hot water supply can signal a malfunctioning water heater, especially if there is increased usage during this summer.

Solution: Pay attention to the temperature of your shower and make note if there is a difference in supply. Our honest, skilled plumbers can help you evaluate and repair your water heater if you find it isn’t working correctly.

Washing Machine Overload

Summer activities often result in more laundry–from sandy beach towels to grass-stained sports gear. Overloading your washing machine strains the unit and increases the likelihood of leaks or breakdowns.

Solution: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for loading your washing machine. Responsible usage combined with regular inspections can help to ensure smooth operation. If you notice leaks or unusual noises coming from your machine, contact us immediately.

Backed-Up Toilets

With kids on summer break and increased people in your home, toilets can definitely see more frequent use than they’re used to. This can raise the risk of clogs, especially if inappropriate items get flushed down the drain.

Solution: Teach your family about proper toilet usage and explain that only toilet paper should be flushed. If pesky clogs happen, the experts at 1st American Plumbing, Heating & Air can help.

Summer is a time to play outdoors in the sun and create lots of great memories. Our plumbers are dedicated to ensuring that plumbing problems don’t ruin your summer joy. As your trusted and reliable plumbing partner in the Salt Lake Valley, we’re here to give you expert solutions to any plumbing issues that come your way. Contact us today for honest service and keep your plumbing system in optimal condition throughout the season and beyond.